Ewers struggling with pocket awareness. Of course his Oline isn’t helping.
Geez, Didn't we do this to TX in the second half of our game? :)
My vision is OSU wins it all this year, but Day is tired of the fans at OSU and leaves. J Smith transfers to UF and becomes the first college fb...
. I read the article on this. Anyone want to guess what car he was driving fast? It’s seems to be a popular one with Ga and Bama players too.
and they will keep going up unless you say enough is enough. Fans are getting screwed over, but you can always say no.
ND’s best recruiting ranking last 4 years was 7th. Had an 18th and 12th in there as well. Proof that if you get the right collection of players...
Brutal INT
Nice game
PSU’s Oline is incredible.
lol, Catholics throwing beer cans. Not the best look.
He can make more at Miami than the nfl draft. Smart move, ACC defenses suck, he should do well.
he needs to change his X profile pics, maybe a pic of UCF NC trophy below? .
I heard the police ushered some out of the building. Sounds like ticket office screwed up, sold 3 game holiday packages and some of those were in...
What a difference from UK game. We need to come out in 2nd half like we are down 10.
Did we really limit students in rowdy reptile section for alumni/paying fans?
No, he rarely wraps up for the tackle. That’s fine hitting little dudes in whatever conference UAB plays in, but in SEC play he will bounce off...
Quicker tempo
Hope the portal hits back :)
Nothing crazy, but he’s way too comfortable in this game. Get him off his spot or something. But hey, we down 2, buckle up.
Hard foul, hard screen, I mean there are things to make him feel uncomfortable. Think late 80s nba basketball.