So since this is a partisan political show just like Russia gate and 2 impeachments which were more partisan political chit. So when are we...
Once try but he's correct about there should be video backing his claims.
Speaking of being vaccinated. Two of my daughter's friends in their 20s were both vaccinated and both of them have Covid now.
What's this six months schpeel from Pfeizer or is it NY Post spin? Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine lasts 6 months, protects against variants
I haven't seen any charges of sedition or insurrection. Link?
Liberals/progressives/socialists/communists/Democrats....or whatever you guys go by these day crack me up. You ignore and bury the "mostly...
Don't get your hopes up to much comrade, I will keep my homes and my US citizenship.
You libbies are going to drag this chit as far as you can for the midterms and if the libs don't get completely destroyed in the mids I am moving...
Just defund the police department's like you guys want and release all the prisoners and shot down the prisons. That's the ultimate goal for you...
This list is nothing more than "real news" according to liberals. NY Times..Politico..."c'mon man."
Out of 330,000,000 people? At least you have your sjws doing the petition. Hahahaha
I was not a believer when he was hired to be honest, I think a lot of it is when Collins left MSU to be our DC he called it a lateral move which I...
They can't afford $21 million. : )
We have had a DECADE of what they have gotten for 1 year.
They can't afford it for 2 more years and even then it would still be pushing it.
To be honest I wanted Frost this time around. When Dumpster fire got hired I wanted Franklin...when sharkboy got hired I wanted Harbaugh.
Are you a fighting whitie? Lol
To be honest I wasn't a fan of the Mullen hire. I wasn't a fan of roid rage boy or shark boy but I have no problem eating crow. : )
LMAO!!! The other half of me is German bitches.