So the sanctions didn't work? Why am I not shocked. Here's some trivia for you guys? Under which US Presidents did Russia go on the...
Twitter is nothing more than a lib echo chamber.
Obviously Putin doesn't give a flip about Biden's "sanctions."
AOC laid a wreatch on her grave a couple of days ago... she was weeping and very brave. You libs should be super duper proud of her. AOC Lays...
Yeah, he wishes he had burnt down Minneapolis instead with the Antifa/BLM thugs. He would be scott free right now.
Do you libs not see the hypocrisy here???
Liberals on 1/06/21 and 01/06/22 [MEDIA] Conservatives on 11/3/22 and 11/3/24 [MEDIA]
COD Zombies for me. Has been since it first came out years ago.
Hahahahaha.... [MEDIA]
You mean paying unions to build the HSR system 3 times the rate of non union employees for a rail system that we call the railway in the middle of...
To be honest, I seriously don't think Billy will use the portal unless he absolutely has to as a last result.
You libs might want to slow your roll on this thread considering one of your fellow Marxist BLM supporters killed 6 people and maybe more in the...
Hate to disturb you liberal's circle echo chamber but mid terms will be here soon...hahahahaha. [MEDIA]
"Shocked I tell ya." LMAO!!!
The Capital police disagree with you. Trump: Watchdog report finds Park Police did not clear protesters from Lafayette Park for Trump's visit...
Just in case you liberals didn't read this the first time....
You guys are going to keep this going after you lose the midterms and DeSantis is prez in '24 right?
What's going to be fun is if you Marxists lose the midterms...I will do everything I can to keep this on the first page so it will remind you guys...
You liberals are confusing. You hate all cops and want to defund them but now that they are "testifying" in this 1/6 hearing you guys now love...
I don't watch Hannity...hahahahahaha