Pretty sure my first choice is Lane and then probably Gundy but I have a weird feeling there is something to do with this recent Gruden talk of...
I know her personally here in Atlanta and l highly doubt Sara puts up money for this. Now if they want to be the first school to hire a woman...
Foley is the best when it comes to spring sports ever. When it comes to football and basketball he got lucky with Donovan and ever since then he...
I agree needs to be interviewed at least. I updated my list above. If Dabo has some sort of plan for portal then he needs to be considered IMO
My list in order: 1. Lane Kiffen (use threats that Urban will take job to get him to accept job publicly prior to ESD) . SOS can help get him as...
Tilly, I am going to send you a private message. I have some info and I will let you give it out.
Agree get Stricklin and Foley the hell out of there.
Foley and Stricklin both suck for Football. spurrier was not hired by foley. Foley hand picked Stricklin to run things how foley wants them done....
If you have not noticed until now the biased sec refs against gators I am shocked. conf affiliated refs is a huge problem. It needs to be fixed....
Oh I am the OP and I agree if Napier not 5-2 after 7 games and does not finish at least like 8-4 then I say bring Kiffen in. but for now Nape is...
If Napier does all things in his control Turn it over to Lagway and callaway then I actually think there is a 5% chance Remember 1) Lagway was top...
My plan requires him to turn over play calling to Callaway. If he does not and he is not at least 5-2 after 7 games imo time to start the firing...
You are too much of a realist to be on our thread. There are plenty of threads for people to be doom and gloom realism. This thread is for the...
Ok we have plenty of threads on Napier future and who should replace him. Yes I would love Kiffen and wish he was our coach now. But he is not and...
Napier's only chance is to turn it over to DJ IMO. This line is not good enough for a drop back only passer. Also I don't believe Napier was only...
Been saying that for years. we should go back to BCS formula. The last iteration was perfect. Let that system determine the 12 teams. No need for...
We are going 9-3 or 10-2 and making playoff.
Can you see game on demand on espn plus?
Trutv channel
I have a stupid question. I was not paying attention to prior to the season and the month of November. Who is this Shimmy person you all refer to?...