Having trouble viewing too...usually have no problem with it
Thanks for posting. I love TG's coach-speek. Go Gators!
My view was that DJ was going to be running plenty of times because he had to so why increase his odds of injury? I got a bunch of bacon for that...
From the get go I assumed they brought out the cart in an abundance of caution. But I do agree with you.
But our forum experts said that's impossible because he came off the field in a CART!
No, sorry. It was utterly STUPID to run CALLED running plays for our only viable QB. I'd fire Napier for that alone.
Would be good to see an injury report thread at some point.
Did Kirby just smack two of his players in the head?
RIP coach. Thanks Davis... Mighty Gators 82 USF 69 MVG Walter Clayton SOG 5
Thanks for posting!
Hold up for what? Anything goes in the NCAA now.
I think we're top 5 in conference.
Mrs beechgator and I will be at the Thanksgiving Day weekend games! Can't wait! Go GATORS!
Are you an actual Gator fan? Doesn't seem like it.
Spurs did not leave Florida due to lack of success.
Thanks for the article!
Enjoy them because they will probably transfer out in December.
Spoiler alert. All of the "takeaways" are not good.