Florida wins in the "Rumble in The Jungle"
That monitor needs to reverse that call. The Auburn player kicked his leg out.!
90-78 Nice playmaking by Condon-Haugh.
1/2 FT by Condon 88-78
87-76 1:18
A bad missed layup by Richard. Should have just milked the clock. 2:03 left. Auburn gets two FT's now after being fouled.
Auburn's own man ran over the hurt Auburn player. So, there can be no foul called on FLorida, THIS time, lol.
So, don't foul Gators unless it's a bad free throw shooter like Cardwell who is 1/6 today from the charity stripe.
Finally, Richard hits 3 84-69
Fresh Condon hits a bucket. 81-67 6 min to go
Box out guys with 40% FT Cardell
Two Offensive rebounds Aberdeen hits a three! 79-67 7:08 to go.
Richard hits both free throws. Florida 14/16 FT's 76-67
9:04 to go. Let's go Gators!
Whew! 74-60, Haugh knocks down both free throws!
He has been wide open. He should drive it to the basket next time.
Nice boxout by Condon on the bigger Cardwell. Clayton steps out of bound
72-56 Clayton to Haugh for the basket. 72-58