Holy chit!
Gators. 81 Pitts. 72 SOG. Gators +3 MVG. RK
From the box score it looks like two bad teams playing each other. The fact that they had to foil 4 time at the end before we got in the bonus is...
Relief!, great job ladies!
Sigh….. but this is a very good team. Will be fun all season.
Gators 77 Nollies. 69 Kugel 7/4
If he started to talk about the bench I hope it was about Condon. He played 18 minutes. Had 17 points 6 rebounds, 2 blocks and 2 assists…..1 turn...
Condon has had one hell of a game!
Press conference? Write up? Typing as I listen. :)
92-54 final
Yeah! Zippy!
Pretty sure you just named her.
Tough company!
So, Matharu with 12 points, Reynolds’s with 5. Playing 2 on 5?
Gators 103 A&M. 62 MVG. Samuel SOG 8
We have a very dynamic WBB team this year which will be great fun to watch. With the signing of three top rated HS prospects for next year we will...
Rationally excited
Let us hope…..
Color me skeptical. I hope the young man’s health holds out and that he can live a full life. Everything else is gravy.