Yep. If you voted for Trump because he's better on economics in your opinion, then that makes you a misogynistic Nazi who hates women. Despite...
Polls are useless now, calling everyone who has a different opinion than you racist/Nazi and launching campaigns to get them fired from their jobs...
Well, in that case he'd pay a lawyer that specializes in that. I wouldn't expect him to personally do any of it?
Wouldn't he just pay someone to do it? Id imagine he also doesn't personally manage hotels or do tax filing.
Crazy that the candidate the Dems put up was poor enough to lose the popular vote to a convicted felon. Maybe a lesson here
When do they end "regional" conference affiliation for teams and just go NFC AFC super bowl jr?
There's a huge reason, which is that players want to win and have a successful college football career, not to mention be developed into better...
Calling someone prejudice is a lazy way for someone with no argument to try and silence others. Just say no to fallacies. And for the record I...
Lol. The guy is a reasonable amount of weight away from being a realistic pick for TLC's 600 pound people show. It's not "shaming" it's a health...
He could have slipped like that doing anything. Getting off the bus, for example.
Sure. But I wouldn't say any play typically has a very good chance of success unless you're calling plays that fit your personnel. If you're not...
Idk. Running a jet sweep to gain 1 yard or running your game manager QB into the line rarely succeed even when executed properly.
We're all aware the staff looks like an episode of The Office [IMG]
Someone gets tails when the coin is flipped guy. You think Kirby is coaching the groundskeepers or something?
Eh. Even as a BN hater he did ok. I'll gladly admit I'm wrong if he ever manages to put together a game where the offense, defense and special...
Grass must be on the same payroll as the refs. Maybe the sun too so it only shines in our eyes.
Still crazy to me that Smart, one of the best defensive coaches in NCAAF, has a defensive coordinator good enough to interview for NFL slots...
I wouldn't be so sure. He looked to possibly be improving, and given that UF has no leadership in place really the starting and backup QBs going...
Yeah there's a reason he was at Yale. I like that BN is letting him throw it around though, needs some confidence.
Lame penalty even when it helps uf.