My guess is they'll do almost all night games July, August and September. Keep people from being roasted in the sands and start games around 7...
The hypocrisy is women demand no one gets to determine the fate of their body, that they alone control their body. But yet men, via a military...
Just because there hasn't been one in a while doesn't mean there will never be one again, especially right now with the world on fire. Given I...
Really the COVID shot for anyone. Outside of the military and health care, no private company had ever made a vaccine mandatory. That was...
There could be, at any time, and that's the point. A man's freedom could be stripped from him with a stroke of a pen. I remember having to sign...
Because Russia is now in a war that they can no longer afford long term. Eventually they will run out of manpower. Russia had more leverage to say...
And are hypocrites and don't even know it. How is this you say? You know how, through the almighty Military Draft here in the U.S. The Military...
Why do you support funding a hopeless war that the U.S. has no business being in? Why do you support causing more Ukrainians to die a needless...
They have a choice, just like in any war. Move and accept that they are now under Russian authority and Russia law. Accept that they are now...
I like this news. The military rank and file are fine, but the leadership is beyond broken. I would like to see the entire general and military...
The time to fire Napier was last year. This year was never going to be a good year to truly evaluate Napier with the ridiculous schedule. Heck...
I'd admit I've noticed it. It's November and it still feels like September here in Florida. I was on The Atlantic Coast last week at Hilton Head...
With the mass deportations planned, I'm guessing this will also low key be a great jobs program!! Lower unemployment even more and offer second...
It's going to be so nice to have money really mean something again and to have far greater wealth. The economic malaise of the last 5 years is...
Keep crying gator_jo, your liberal tears are so delicious! A little salty yes, but still delicious!
I haven't stopped. :)
Lets use this thread to track all the liberals who said they would leave the Country if Trump was Elected, including those on this board. I will...