You can believe in immigration while being against completely open unfettered immigration. The U.S. can not support the world. The U.S. can not...
I appreciate your thoughtful response Gator_Jo. I know in the past we haven't seen eye to eye on a lot of political issues, but I appreciate that...
For those who believe that the Great Replacement is just BS, explain this: The US will become 'minority white' in 2045, Census projects It's...
Wow, truly impressive job missing the point of my post completely. You couldn't have done a better job, I almost debate if you even read it. I'll...
I haven’t been on here in awhile and don’t plan to be on any type of regular basis going forward. With that said, I was bored this evening. Would...
A lot to unpack here, but I really only want to address the Great Replacement Theory part of it. While I agree that the idea is dangerous (only if...
Cancer hasn't been cured yet and we've never cured it, so why bother even trying? We've not successfully put a man or woman on Mars. So why...
You know, this argument is brought up a lot. You know what, I don't care if illegal immigrants commit less crimes than American citizens per...
I can't. I'm highly allergic to dogs. Another way my body has betrayed me. Same situation with cats as well. It's sad because I do love dogs and...
It's good to see a true President again. Makes me at least somewhat hopeful for the future of the U.S.
Hello everyone! Just wanted to put in one last message here as I will be leaving this forum and site permanently. Some of you might miss me, I'm...
Voluntarily. Women will never be forced like Men can be. And sure it hasn't been used since 1972. Men know that is always one day, one war away...
Interesting, you can share what your original post or thoughts would have been on this. I would be interested to hear it.
No but I would love to invest in AI real synthetic body girlfriends and wives. Whatever Company does that is going to have wealth that would make...
The war in the U.S. between all men and all women? The sexes have grown more apart for years and many are now openly hostile towards each other....
Honestly, I would be okay with men and women declaring war on each other. Only one sex stands at the end. Whichever sex wins inherits the Earth...
I absolutely believe those pro-abortion women are pro-draft since it doesn't impact them. Notice you never see feminists groups say a da*n thing...
It is when it comes to the military draft. Women want equality unless it doesn't fit them, then they want "traditional gender roles". If a...
And why should the government have any say in whether the military draft is formally ended forever or not? Why should your daughter or any woman...
Long post incoming and I'll preface by saying that I know most Rays fans won't want to hear this. I know most will hate the idea of leaving the...