Family heritage, specifically of your mother, is the only thing that should matter when it comes to citizenship when your are born. Where you are...
I know you desperately want to act like being in the U.S. illegally is no big deal, but for a lot of us it is a big deal. For a lot of us, it's...
Good to know that Biden flat out admitted that his entire family is a crime family and that him and his entire family should be in jail. If you...
Completely disagree. And whether you like it or not, birthright citizenship is going to end here in the U.S. and there's nothing you are going to...
Why should it matter where you are born? Your family heritage and citizenship is what should matter, especially that of your mother. As for the...
And yes the 14th Amendment passed on July 9th, 1868, conveniently right after the Civil War and as part of the Reconstruction Amendments. 14th...
Why should a child, who has no agency of their own, have different citizenship in any way from their mother? I know all about dual citizenship. I...
Not a false premise at all. When a baby is born, that baby should have the exact same citizenship as their mother. It's honestly really really simple.
Yet it was passed on July 9th, 1868, conveniently right after the Civil War and as part of the Reconstruction Amendments. 14th Amendment to the...
I agree it should be part of a large immigration plan, one that I laid out in another thread that I await your response to. But I do think...
And before anyone even tries to bring up the 14th Amendment, yes let's debunk the 14th Amendment right now. The 14th Amendment was meant to...
The 14th Amendment was for slaves and their decendants. Slaves were brought here against their will. Immigrants are coming here willingly. The...
So let's talk birthright citizenship. Birthright Citizenship The U.S. and Canada are the only two NATO countries that have birthright...
Funny how you never held Biden to the same standard. The same Biden who had 4 years to make the Trump tax cuts permanent. Funny how you all...
The third picture is literally supporters of another country! Do you not see the "Ticos" on the lady. That's a nickname for Costa Rica! This Costa...
Diversity is a weakness, not a strength. It's time to stop doing things like using "Hyphenated-American" and just be Americans. The core culture...
Might be his best speech of all time, and that's saying something. Truly impressive. In the very least it's one of the best speeches of all time....
It's a very different society than it was in the 1700s and 1800s. I'm sure you would at least agree with that. Would you not agree with my points...
Are you kidding? There has to be a way around it. They need to face justice. What a POS. So glad Biden's reign of terror is over. A very dark 4...
In modern times, you have to have a border to protect yourself. Back in the 1700s, 1800s, early 1900s, the world was much bigger due to the lack...