Obviously you would use non-violent offenders. I'm not saying use people who are on death row or violent offenders who have killed people. Let...
Again, stop avoiding the question. If an immigrant is coming from a country like Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela or Colombia, why are they all our...
They are entitled to a hearing. They are not entitled to enter the U.S. until that hearing. And answer my question, why are these immigrants not...
For agriculture, use the prison population as well as the unemployment population. If people are going to get unemployment benefits, make them...
Not if the asylum claim has no ability to be valid. And immigrants have no right to enter the U.S. until their asylum hearing, assuming their...
Just remember, Trump is President now and is charge. I imagine Texas will be putting up the barbed wire and stocking the rivers with alligators...
The emergency rule overrules that asylum right. And let me ask you this, why are they not applying for asylum in the first country with a stable...
To remind they of what they have forgotten, probably by choice. That they answer to us, not the other way around. That they will stop ignoring us....
And we will smoke them out. Make it impossible for them to find employment and live here. Make it impossible for their kids to go to school. Make...
I hate what happened to them, but they are on the wrong side of history. They were defending the deep state. They were defending scum. They...
All in the first 8 hours of Trump being President. Doing more for the border than Biden did in 4 years. My God it's almost like it's not...
I want them all to be issued the Presidential Medal of Freedom. They are true Patriots and have sacrificed a lot for this Country.
I would also argue that, from a practical perspective, if birthright citizenship was ended, it would most likely be going forward and not...
In cases such as your mother, the Immigration Act of 1924 would be the determining factor. As you indicated, prior to 1924 there was no tracking...
So if birthright citizenship is so great, why does the rest of the world for the most part not do it? Why is the U.S. and Canada largely the...
If your mother is a UK citizen and isn't here legally (so they aren't a citizen or have a permanent resident/green card), then yes you would not...
Couldn't have fooled me considering they can built houses, condos and apartments here in Florida fast enough. The population explosion here in...
So then you have a choice. Mom and Dad leave and then the kid becomes the responsibility of the state, and that means the taxpayers, and you split...
You really think it's so hard? My gosh it's literally one of the easiest things to do. Ask yourself one question, what is your citizenship of...
Gulf of America is actually a far better and more accurate term. Technically the U.S. has far more coastline on the Gulf of America than Mexico...