So, we just need to concentrate on the football stuff and execute better, right?
I'm thinking about changing my screen name to AmalgamaterG8r, or maybe The Amalgagator.
"Defensively, I think we're closer than you think." What a stunning amalgamation of ignorance, arrogance, and incompetence.
I guess it begs the question, "Ultimately, is any post on a message board actually constructive - or destructive - in any way to the team or...
At this point, UF soccer is exactly where they were last year....and that's not what I expected or was hoping for. Yes, losing Hinnenkamp hurts...
No. He said this team was going to surprise a lot of people. Hoo boy. Did it ever.
The Dazzler? I can hear it now.... "....the Gators ran a really nice little dive play there in that 3rd and 5 situation, cleverly disguised by...
Now THIS is an idea that I could support! (Then, after SS does that, fire him too.)
He wasn't referring to social media, as if it were some entity. He wasn't referring to a single specific person. He wasn't defending the team...
Is the term 'bashers' actually applicable when the on-field product and results have ultimately proven them correct? Be that as it may, he didn't...
The contract is bad, no doubt. But what's worse is UF's "process" (ugh, that word) for hiring football coaches. I don't remember a single hire...
Hey! Let's all play "I dare you to throw me out of this press conference." I'll go first. "Coach, you said this past offseason that you felt...
As a former pilot, I was taught early what to watch out for when receiving a weather forecast. Over the years, I've found it also to be useful...
He would reply, "Meh, I just made $16,000 while listening to your question. Thanks for your donation."
You're right. So go start a "Let's all support Billy" thread. That would be the refreshing change-of-pace that you seem to be looking for.
I'm neither disturbed nor surprised. It's been obvious for two years that BN is an uninspiring BS-artist: "process, evaluate, culture,...
It's time for the obligatory Hitler-rant parody. Anybody?
I don't. Instead, I hope he was looking hard in the mirror and finally admitting to himself that his one infinitesimal chance of lasting to the...
As therapeutic as it is to talk about getting a new HC, it's not going to happen in the near term. But, what is possible is having someone else...
He'll probably get the Alli Peek treatment.