So a single woman having an adult relationship with a divorced man is equivalent to trumps paying to have sex with a porn star while his wife was...
The way to stop illegals is to criminally prosecute anyone who hires one. Jail time for the boat massive fines for the stockholders.
Yep higher taxes for those earning 8 and 9 figures. No rise in taxes for those making under 200k.
This is my alpha and omega why I am stunned anyone would consider voting for this fascist.
I saw that and it has 24 pictures on it not 44 and some aren’t cabinet members. I agree with the sentiment but I think accuracy is important.
Thanks. Seriously how can anyone proudly vote for trump. Kamala would not have been my choice but at the very least she hasn’t tried to overturn...
Well let’s hope no one ever gives you a badge. Having read the short article, No one got seriously hurt and the suspect was arrested. What would...
I saw that. I am not sure I believe. Either way it’s pretty damning
I thought he was saying they would agree it’s not a religious issue. lol
The art of the deal guy should have called up the funeral director and shown us what a great negotiator he is. Funeral homes may be the biggest...
How many of trump’s former cabinet appointees are supporting him now? I honestly don’t know. I would suspect it’s a bit over 50 percent.
Well if he stops all elections that stops women from voting too.
Number two is pretty close to roe v wade which was pretty good legislation by our judicial branch. lol. I think 7 and 8 are a hard no for me....
The Drudge Report is plastered today with former underlings of trump saying he admires hitler, the Nazis did some good and that it will be the...
That sounds awfully apostolic to me. I think most evangelicals whether they say the apostles creed or not reject that version of Christianity....
I think a good analog to the Haitians that Trump is vilifying is the Samaritan’s
May his doctors be skilled may the donors be generous and may he suffer little.
And feeding the poor and the hungry. What you do to the least of our brothers that you do unto me. Modern Christian’s seem to skip that part.
I am jealous of people who grew up with parents who gave them a safe space. My sister pierced her ears at 14 at a friends house. She came home and...
Kids have a right to privacy. They should have a trusted safe adult to confide in. A parent may not need to know if there kid is sexually active...