This honestly is the best thing trump could have done. The fossils fuel car industry is a dinosaur and needs to end. They can transition or die.
I know rankings are silly but this should move us up shouldn’t it?
In person banking with physical branches are going away. I deposit the few checks I get by taking a picture. I get cash from an atm occasionally....
He wants to help fulfill the prophecies and bring about the end of the world. Which he sees as a good thing.
It will be funny. Fascist humor sights are stupid not funny.
We all know it will be leaked.
Florida 100 Tennessee 100
My guess is this is a sacrificial loss.
We have a military draft? Not in almost my entire lifetime. I don’t know if men have to register for the non existent drat but I am perfectly...
Navy West Virginia BYU Michigan state Florida
I don’t want to get at for paramount. Why can’t it be on paramount plus or one of the other sights I already pay for.
Exactly that once the facts are out we can either apologize or burn at the stake. It seems remarkably stupid to do something like this and golden...
I think we have crossed the line into irrational exuberance. No expansion lasts forever.
Monopolies are not good for anybody but the oligarchs.
I figured as much. I sold my ticket and was at the porp. I may have tried to get back in but I don’t trust that memory.
Feels like a Kerwin bell story to me. Can you sell your ticket pregame and drink at the porpoise? Then enter the stadium in the fourth quarter...
I agree he is either guilty or a victim of some sort of identity theft.
My guess is trump is dangling these nut jobs so that when he proposes slightly better whack jobs they get thru without much trouble.
I am reasonably certain he never graduated from UGA. I doubt he attended a class.
Be aware that the press focuses only on the crazy extremist views and position. Pictures of gay couple with children is fine. Pictures of a 6 ft 5...