Gus and Billy are cut from the same cloth. Watching the stupid crap I saw Saturday night from both teams. The epitome of "A battle of wits between...
While I agree with your statement, I also agree with hjs.
You've not been watching, apparently.
So, your expectations have been fulfilled. It's a win-win.
You still have expectations?
Woohoo, we win!
I know this is fake cuz his pool guys only have sisters.
Processes are necessary, but how long does it take to understand a process isn't working. All anyone would need to know about our offense they'd...
Which program do you think has the much better shot at a national championship quickly and for the long term, Bama or Washington? It's the same...
What does saying that have anything to do with anything or add to what he'd already said? That's like saying post-morning instead of afternoon. Do...
I knew something was up with Freeze when Tunsil, from Lake City, an hour from Gainesville and less than two hours from Tallahassee spurned both UF...
First time I smelled it, I thought something was wrong with me.
I hope it smells worse than asparagus piss.
I wasn't a Fins fan, but am amazed that it's been over 50 years since they went undefeated. I don't think it will be repeated unless NFL...
New Head Coach in Charge of Tackling
I'm hoping for no worse than a tie next Saturday.
Leak didn't even contest anything, and voluntarily gave up his teaching certification. That doesn't look good. Which leads to sometimes the risk...
Apparently you're new here, and I'd love to be upbeat, but Gawd, is this really the time?
I've been going to and watching Gators games since 1961. They absolutely have given up. They knew before the season even started that they weren't...
Who cares? This is an F'ng Gators site. I want to know about scum, I'll look' em up.