1984 Gators are a great example of that.
Why? I asked for an example and got one instead of a come on man.
Originally, the run and shoot was set up so the quarterback would be under center with the running back lined up a few yards behind him. Later,...
Okay, finally an answer to my question as to who utilized it as much as Spurrier did later. Thank you. I remember Ware winning the Heisman with...
Title doesn't say anyone prior was using it as extensively as Spurrier did later when he finally adopted it. It was used some in the sixties and...
I stand corrected. When I was reading about Bill Walsh and the shotgun it stated that Young never was in shotgun in his career. I guess they...
Do you people ever read an entire post before you comment? I never said no one ever used the shotgun before Spurrier. I said I didn't remember...
Another failed Florida football coach
I stand corrected
Bill Walsh was not a fan of shotgun and his teams didn't use it. Joe Montana didn't like the offense.
At Dallas, not at Navy, and Tom Landry was the coach who decided to use it, not Roger.
I'd say that putting a disagree bacon on a post would indicate they actually know better. So, all I asked for was something to support their...
He didn't become AD at Tennessee until 1985.
You guys with the bacon emojis, give some examples of teams that used it extensively prior to Spurrier making it part of his offensive repertoire.
Yeah, no, I think with Napier's conservative thinking he was more concerned about giving KY something easy right before half.
Yeah, no I said I don't remember many teams using it prior to SOS doing it. Didn't say no one did, but even if they did use it, not many used it...
If they run the table, they make the playoffs. We should be 5-2 right now and a game away from bowl eligibility.
I don't remember many teams using the shotgun until he started using it. Most of the time when it was used prior was kind of flea-flicker/trick...
The fun thing about the hot air balloon was that the sign faced the other way then rotated around for the people in the stadium to see, "Trojans...
Or I need to work on my Woke Math fundamentals.