Cassidy strikes out swinging. 2 outs.
Mia grounds an 0-2 pitch to 2nd base. Runner out at 2nd. 1 down.
Fittingly, Kenleigh leads off the bottom of the 3rd with a 3-1 single to CF. The girl is having a great game.
Next batter gets to a full count then hits into a DP. Hard bouncer to Cahalan, to fields the ball, tags the runner at 3rd, then throws to first to...
Back to the top of the order. Triple to RF that Taylor dove for and missed. 5-1, still only 1 out.
Next batter singles to LF on a 1-2 pitch.
First batter grounds out to Cahalan at 3rd. 1 down.
8-9-1 coming up for Troy.
Reagan lines out to RF to end the inning. Going to the 3rd inning, 5-0 Gators.
Jocelyn draws a walk. 1st & 2nd, 2 outs.
Otis singles on an 0-1 pitch.
Shumaker gets the count to 3-2, sees 11 pitches total, but flies out to deep CF. 2 down.
Falby leads off the bottom of the 2nd by grounding out to SS on an 0-1 pitch.
Next batter works a full count, then strikes out looking to end the inning.
#6 batter strikes out swinging on a 2-2 count. 2 outs.
Next batter singles to shallow CF.
Troy's #4 batter works a 3-2 count, then grounds out to 3rd. 1 out.
FYI. #5 Gator lacrosse getting destroyed at home by #18 James Madison right now. After being tied 4-4 after the first quarter, we got outscored...
Rylee Holtorf flies out to CF on a 2-2 pitch. Great start for the Gators. Going to the 2nd, 5-0.
Pitching change for Troy.