Not a waste of time at all. Der Führer must send the clear and convincing message. Disloyalty and treason shall not be tolerated. Now all...
A chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should never in any way undermine the Commander-in-Chief for starters. And certainly he or she should...
It sounds like you are unfamiliar with Milley’s conversations with the PRC.
Did he take an oath to China?
This will be with a newly installed and Trump loyalist inspector General.
He gave military secrets to China. Yea, I’m dead serious.
Can I get a hell yeah?
Yeah! Hegseth readies actions against Trump foe Mark Milley The retired general, a frequent target of the president, will lose his security...
So is the consensus now Putin still has golden showers footage on Trump or has that ship sailed?
[MEDIA] She sufficiently owned da libs and that's what is important. That was her job. Not bad at all.
Yes, it appears you are correct. Being completely without a dog in this fight, I am required to point out that the cutting off of humanitarian...
Way behind Mertz, but he’s Tom Brady. Difficult to get a handle on this Lagway kid.
What’s the story about the suspension of aid? I’m hearing all foreign aid has been suspended to all countries for three months? Obviously, Trump...
But he’s still way behind Mertz?
DJ Lagway has a better record as a starter than any previous Florida QB under CBN and you think he has a "long way to go compared to Mertz?"...
Is there anything Joe Biden did that people actually want to keep?
Yep. Why would you not want both? It reads like a silly argument to sidetrack from reality. Napier's offense lags and he refuses to hire an OC....
Don't act like Biden (or whomever drafted the order and put it in front of him) did anything benevolent by ordering a "second look." He was...
I'm not the investigator. The FBI and CIA are. They have evidence. This is their working theory and despite their "low confidence" rating, it...