Since he believes every dumb right wing conspiracy he's told, it would probably be fun for her to debunk them. The videos of his producer fact...
You may not like the NY law about business records fraud but it exists and Bragg has prosecuted 135 people over it. Everyone with a functioning...
The Diplomat on Netflix is great starring Felicity. Season 2 premieres this Halloween.
I can't believe right wingers are trolling with an irrelevant video while their orange god displays his dementia at rallies every night while...
"No one is being intimidated at the polls" Red state governments: You will be arrested if you provide voters in line with bottled water.
Rogan would ask some tough stuff but I'd bet he'd be fairly polite sitting across from her.
They want to return to an America where white males got to feed at the national trough until very little was left for anyone else.
Going to hit you with some critical thinking logic here that will probably break your brain-- Just because people volunteered to help rescue...
Let's see, your normal redstate or storm front garbage or the word or red state governors saying FEMA has been outstanding. I'll go with the...
She's also working on the details to do Rogan's podcast soon.
They only listen to their orange god. Next time out he will be surrounded only by lickspittles that will do whatever he wants.
Congrats on a post more delusional than the last. His NATSEC people are also going to be Putin puppets like Michael Flynn. He will not allow any...
Of course they won't blame their orange god. Trump didn't have to hold this miles away from their cars. He wanted a rally where no one could...
Right wing emoji instead of counter argument = admitting a loss. Good choice.
It's a huge difference because no American military members are in harms way or being reported killed every night. Trump is a wholly owned puppet...
There are no laws on the books anywhere forcing men to do anything about what is going on inside their bodies.
I'll believe that from a credible source and not until before.
America is not at war with anyone at present. Arming Ukraine to cripple Russia is one of our greatest investments in foreign policy ever.
Vance really is a special kind of psycho. In a recent discussion about having his Hindu wife go to church with him, he mentioned, "she has 3...
On a message board full of delusional takes, this is the craziest. Trump works for Putin and most of his staff will be Putin friendly at worst if...