Ask yourself before you post any polling if it is one of the flood of right wing ones created just to spam the averages. Then ask yourself why...
I don't get it. Is it to try and bump the Dem candidate for McConnell's replacement?
I have several friends from high school that are incredibly bitter generally towards people with degrees. Their baseline assumption is that...
Silly. Anything that hurts Biden will be used to hurt Harris. Ask yourself if anyone involved with the other campaign getting top secret...
Per the new Emerson poll, late deciders are breaking for Harris 60-36%.
The Romney (business owner, lower taxes) and Bush (evangelical) coalition was no longer enough to win elections. Trump added the poorly educated,...
There's a fascinating dichotomy where if you ask a MAGAt about 2020 they will bring up the litany of disproven discrepancies and say that Trump...
All these predictors are tending to ignore the NPA vote but that is where all the newly registered young voters are going. I believe these will...
If he still can, Garland will impanel a grand jury in early 2027 and charges will be filed by Christmas that year.
It's great how Harris' line about people leaving his rallies early in the debate lives rent free in his head. He can't stop lying publicly about...
It's nothing new. Most MAGAts spend a lot of time focusing on that same topic.
Show some links to early voting to show "he's crushing" anything. FYI, Rasmussen and Trafalgar aren't real polls.
Especially in a state with pot and abortion on the ballot, I'd be stunned if the Dems didn't garner at least 60% of the NPA vote.
I don't think the allegation is about him doing nothing but just curtailing his schedule. The women only fake town hall was pre-taped 2 days...
"Things were better under his presidency." Hilarious. The only things not better now than under his presidency are the things he broke that...
How can this guy handle the presidency at his age if a few conversations are too exhausting? [MEDIA]
It used to just be the Fox News aligned media, but now even the MSM sane washes his statements to fit them into the box of at least slightly...
Trump is now the dog and pony show to get the ticket across the line and then he will fall off a high balcony or get polonium mixed into his Diet...
Yes, she was in charge of everything dastardly they don't like but at the same time she was in charge of nothing. Brilliant.
Did I name every republican in my last post? Don't try to broad brush my comment.