Well, not without the sanctions also ending as a condition of ending the war. A frozen conflict where sanctions continue but the physical fighting...
You already know the answer to this. On 8 December, Trump (to the Kremlin’s horror) publicly cited that Russia has suffered 600,000 dead, wounded,...
Yeah, but, again, the guy you are 100% behind to negotiate an end to this war no longer (if he ever did) sees it the way you just described. He...
Okay, I could understand you challenging the trends if we were talking about, say, Sullivan’s assessment of the situation. I more than understand...
All true things. Just for the sake of trivia, let me tell you about one advance in certain weapons systems since those days. Now there are weapons...
Ukraine updates: North Korean soldier captured in Kursk May I assume we no longer have to play the game of "There's no evidence that North Korea...
I would agree to a duel, but if the idea is to showcase who has the best tech, let’s do it like this: Both sides pick a 1x1m piece of terrain in...
Nah, nah, nah, man. That wasn’t an Azerbaijani airliner. It was 10 U.S. F35s. Russian IADS wins again!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but those predictions don't seem remarkably different than what you assessed before the election. You should consider...
Nevertheless, that game was the SEC’s only show of face this week.
She should reconsider. Given what she likely knows about Russian operations in Syria, I think she is more likely to have a tragic accident prior...
I get it, too. You want to make things as easy on the aggressor, Russia, as possible. If Russia wants to keep what it has stolen, then it’s going...
And? Russia has clearly been trying to improve its position (with underwhelming results in the field) prior to the start of any negotiations. Why...
Beats me.
That is true, but it still all comes down to China’s interest and what it thinks can realistically accomplish. In the winter of 2021, retaking...
I’m not making an originalist argument (I made a realist one), so your allusions to slavery aren’t relevant. Since you bring it up, though, the...
No. For that, we have a Constitutional process for making changes to the contract, which goes back to the point I was making. Why should those...
That is not the contract the original states agreed to when deciding to form a Union. Nor is it the contract each new state agreed to when it...
That’s generally how that works … until it’s too late for said “starvors” to care. Then it gets more interesting for those of us on the outside...
I wouldn’t read too much into it. Historically speaking, the masses starving has never meant anything but good things for the ruling regime. ;)