Go back where, man? They're "Russians," remember? They just want to go back to Russia.
So now there's interrogation video of the two Asiatic Russian prisoners who don't speak Russian. Man, you gotta hand it to those wily Ukrainians....
In short, yes. For every measure, there is a countermeasure. How much of those capabilities we are willing to share is a different matter, of course.
Here’s a picture of one of the Asiatic Russians who doesn’t speak Russian, Ukrainian, or English. [ATTACH]
They need to put those two soldiers to the question and resolve the rumor that once exposed to the internet the North Koreans immediately became...
If those system paint Coalition aircraft, then yes. If they stay turned off, then no. I think Israel should avoid bombing anywhere else in Syria...
Nah, nah, nah, man. Those are, like, Russians with Asiatic features who don’t speak Russian and can only communicate in the North Korean dialect...
Sarcasm noted. Does Ukraine look like a country getting ready to surrender?
This is a gift. We need to send him out a loser this fall.
Does that collection of high-quality characters include the ones who got caught juicing (but Dabo knew nothing, of course)?
I’ll risk it.
Not exactly what it says. No Penn State wide receivers caught any passes. Nothing about tight ends or running backs.
No “maybe” involved.
Ukrainians smash another Russian combined-arms attack in vicinity of Kursk with disproportionate casualties. Doesn't look like the Ukrainians are...
And normally I wouldn’t. But the choice between them and Notre Dame ain’t no choice at all. I cheer for Notre Dame when they play SWAC and...
He peaked at Cincinnati. Can’t believe I’m in a spot on the earth where I’ll probably have to cheer for Ohio State to win the championship, since...
I’m really surprised 4 New York justices voted against.
They most certainly do not. They need to keep their current score for the next three quarters, is what they need to do.