On the first charge, which was dismissed. Not guilty on the second. This just occurred to me: was the dismissal on the first charge the kind that...
I find it very curious that the jury was hung on the more serious charge but then found him not guilty on the lesser. I would think that since...
You dare to doubt the word of former Marine Corps captain, convicted pedophile, and military genius Scott Ritter? If he says that Assad, Putin,...
“Naw, naw, naw, bro. That Orange Bowl (which never happened) result was solely a function of, like, our opt-outs who were disappointed by being...
And you’ll be able to deny the truth based on AI. Since people believe what they want to believe, that should work.
I have to admit that’s good AI. I immediately started looking for the article that gave a full explanation about what had happened.
Dupe. Syria
True, but the Gators can only control what they can control. And what they can control is winning the bowl game they get offered against whoever...
Sanctions have reduced elements of the Russian economy back to the literal Stone Age. It is making more sense for Russians to barter goods and...
“Wounded” is difficult to quantify accurately. Unlike dead or even missing, it isn’t a binary statistic. Wounded can mean anything from...
If that’s what he has in mind, I support it, of course.
I think that is a healthy compromise, but it has to come with measures that mitigate the demand for illegal immigration to continue. I feel the...
That, too, is a possibility. Many people conflate the two terms. Casualties refers to dead, wounded, and missing. That number could very well be...
Hard to say in the long run. How much we and our allies help Syria form a viable state will have a lot to do with that. In the short run, it’s a...
I think that number is very high unless we are talking about the total number of dead for both sides, including civilians and missing civilians....
It is a Med port we are talking about. Russia has already effectively lost use of its Black Sea ports due to the max effective range of Ukrainian...
I have no problem with Georgia being left out of the playoffs. I don’t even need a reason as good as their underwhelming QB being hurt.
Putin Warns West of 'Brink of Global Conflict' I mean, okay, but is Russia ready for the "global conflict" it wants to threaten? It has its hands...
Back to the serious: it seems to be official now; Assad has fled Syria, and the Army has declared his regime is at an end. Syrian army command...