I’m talking about the last 15 years of cons knowing that the Clintons only traveled together a couple times on his plane to attend fund raisers in...
Didn't matter for the Clinton, why should it matter for Trump?
Sick and disgusting if he involved his kids in that…
Looks like Donny flew on the Lolita Express, just as we all knew. I wonder why Bondi choose to release this now? [IMG] Trump named in newly...
He probably thinks we can make up the difference with tarriffs on California and New York.
Don’t worry, she can just get one of those “black jobs” trump promised will be widely available once he runs all the immigrant roofers and fruit...
Yup, it's probably true that the majority of homeless people are still smarter than the average Trump voter.
Seems like most people are laughing about it and making jokes. Which thread are you reading?
Even though this thread is comedy gold, I want to point out one of the reasons that US does not print and had discontinued printing bills larger...
Yup, the production numbers may be stable, but the quality is way, way down.
Don’t worry about hackers, Tulsi already plans to give that to them as soon as no one is looking.
I’m not complaining about the rule change. I perfer it this way, too. But for you to say this was your idea from a couple weeks ago doesn’t add...
Probably because reasonable people want it this way, permanently, and get less push back when it’s criticism and name calling of republicans being...
That's my point, if "this way is better" why do the rules change depending on which party has presidency? Shouldn't this way always be better?
The mod was hallgator ... I told him in a pm that dotard and retard are not from the same word origin, they don't even sound the same when...
You've told me in the past the mods have little to do with it. You can't deny that what I posted is true. You could Obama and Hillary anything...
Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper would be proud. 61 years later the dark comedy of a raving lunatic from film has become fact to the GOP.
Is this going to be one of those “oops, we had the wrong amount of money, for the wrong purpose, in the wrong city, in the wrong country, on the...
Immigrants are also necessary for the economy to function. We need to acknowledge that. Years back under the first Trump admin, I read about a...