I have another question ... if a Chinese Business owning these ports is part of some evil Chinese plan to do some unspecified bad thing to...
Saw a headline today that Donny is going to announce specifics. Makes me wonder how they are going to keep this safe. Anyone with access to...
Trump already starting to cave. Expected announcement today that he's walking some of them back. More 15 minute tariffs.
Exactly. Protesting is always legal. Protestors can break other laws, and should be held accountable, but there is no such thing as an “illegal...
Nah, he’ll just tell his true believers that rescissions are great, and his recession is the best ever, even better than his first recession, and...
SCOTUS just cleared another several Billion from Elon’s “receipt” board…. Is there anything left?...
Is the White House trying to engineer a recession? This Wall Street pro explains the vision. Basically says Trump wants rate cuts more than a...
Dude, I'm not saying Chinese companies owning a couple of ports near the canal doesn't mean China has influence over those PORTS -- you understand...
I can see Rick is tagging me with “disagree”, but here is what he wrote in post #11, in case he tries to edit it… “No performance by which to...
Actually, you were the one who said he had no worth because his recent promotion didn’t provide a long enough track record at his new position to...
You can’t have it both ways. If that’s what you believe, then both his firing letter (fired for poor performance) and Trump’s lawyers claims...
He says there was no thought behind the firings, it’s was just “chop and roll”, and showed his glowing performance review letters. Doesn’t fit...
Then you can be misinformed, that’s your choice,
I’ve seen the E.O. Ordering mass and indiscriminate firings. I’ve seen Trump officials justify this by calling vets lazy and unfit for jobs. If...
You can’t conflate China buying a couple ports near the canal as control over the canal itself. Panama runs the canal like a capitalist business....
I’ve seen no evidence that Trump or anyone else evaluated their job performance. I just see EOs ordering mass, indiscriminate, firings. Now I...
Trump thinks Panama making business moves to charge what the market will bare for Canal access is bad, though, right?
These are just private ports at either end of the Canal and will have no affect on Trump’s original grievance that Panama was letting capitalist...
Trump can’t even deliver the “black jobs” he promised America. Sad.
Just amazing. After the mass and indiscriminate firing of the Vets by the Donny admin, they defend it by saying Vets are lazy and not fit to...