Bama loses to San Diego State and Liberty today.
So now the situation is laid bare. I have always been told by the people in control that we can only do two events at the same time. Now we know...
Our audio for tv game for the world will be embarrassing. Interested if we see a full compliment of cameras or just a stationary camera. We are in...
Taylor hits a gapper to the wall for a double. That, even with all of the home runs, is her game.
Uh, baseball plays later so they screw softball even when at this point of the day there isn't a conflict. They take notes from our AD.
Yep. Can't find it anywhere else.
UGA wins it 3-2
Michigan has made it a game at UGA. 3-2 UGA with Michigan for their potential last ab in top of 7.
I have not heard that Olivia is hurt. Doubt it.
Waiting for Red to get healthy as it sure doesn't seem like Oliva is going to see much of the circle for whatever reason.
These guys are clueless.
Kenleigh has 2 rbis and no hits.
Good catch. They were saying six hits and I only had five.
Again...terrible announcing. If the shortstop and center fielder messed up and it falls clean, how is that an error on anyone other than a mental...
UGA up 2-0 over Michigan in the 2nd. We really haven't played a good team to this point.
Radio guys can't properly describe a play. Turns out to be scored as an error on Falby but your guess is as good as mine.
Stats are finally working.
No. Usually 15 minutes and it wasn't there which is why I searched.
No tv. Stats aren't updating. I feel live we live in the slums as far as one of the best programs on campus is concerned.