And Tech got beat 11-0. They were ranked preseason in the top 10 solely because of Canady with no perspective there isn't much on the rest of the...
Texas is again playing Texas Tech. Texas is again throwing their ace, Kavan. Glasco is again not throwing Canady. Texas up 4-0.
UVA walks off against UCLA with a two run bomb in the bottom of the seventh 7-6.
I think they are streamed. We haven't updated our schedule.
Heavener is an outstanding freshman pitcher for LSU. It will be interesting to see who turns out better...her or Red. Might not be a difference.
I sent an email to Lauren suggesting they do a long human interest video of the practice when Jocey and Rylee return to their high school in...
Yep but I was in the shower with the laptop in the bathroom and missed what actually happened.
Bama falls to UCLA and has now lost three in a row. And Murphy gets tossed again, which he does three or four times a year.
Although I also wouldn't be shocked to see Taylor at first base and it would open up another spot in the outfield.
Wouldn't be surprised to see an outfield next year of Cassidy, Taylor and Townsen.
Ava isn't out of the 3rd and already to 64 pitches. Through three you would like 45 or less.
I am shocked, but happy, that Layla's dad is still fogging a mirror. He was horribly ill for a very long time.
Yep. I had to look that one up. In something like 20 years or so on a multitude of Gator boards I can safely say that is a word never before used....
I remember Edugator. I know, or knew, Mud personally. The leaf blower thing is a historical laughing reference there. When I moved to the...
The "bimmerboy" thing was pretty ostentatious. Swamp Gas (a poster no longer there but who will live in their hearts and minds forever) was a...
Your handle there?
I was on for years but the constant negativity of some got to me and I haven't posted there in three years or more. I still lurk. Handle was...
Have you been on the Virtual Swamp. (The German reference has been a thing there forever.)
Again, radio is here: The Varsity Network
Amanda has something to say: [MEDIA]