Agreed with almost all of that. And there are plenty of "fans" who object to spending much of anything on "minor" sports. Fixing the broadcast...
Well, that number was then. I don't know if it is the same now. But, they put the Duke game on when they also broadcast gymnastics and baseball...
BTW...Alicia was fantastic. I have said what I have said above in multiple places when people erroneously blamed the SEC or ESPN. They can't...
Assuming what I was told a couple years ago by the Asst. AD, Alicia Longworth remains the case and I think it does. Alicia had complete and total...
"Funny". That would be the guy. I've had so much peace since blocking him that I couldn't remember his handle and it was wonderful.
I am lost. I can't find a post with "entitlement" and apparently a lot of BS along with it. The only possibility I can think of because it came...
Interesting. I said earlier I can't claim my numbers would be totally accurate but should be close. I never considered the Mountain West network....
Well, that won't work since Tim doesn't have any control over broadcasts other than trying to schedule mid-week games and picking better...
Pure and simple. Red has not thrown for several months. Whenever she comes back and pitches, and I don't know when that will be...cut her some...
And she picked off a runner off of second this weekend. Only an injury would make me worry about Jocey.
She is nursing an injury. As par for the course, the program isn't commenting, but some have noticed that while she is dressed, she isn't wearing...
My exact thought. FSU is tough. Good hitting lineup but I'm not convinced their pitching will hold up. It has so far, though.
Uh...San Diego State was also undefeated in Clearwater. Cali Decker is hitting .310 through 10 games with no home runs and 8 rbis. Gigante is on...
And here is next years Clearwater list of teams....numerous Gators: Duke, FAU, Florida State, Georgia, James Madison, LSU,...
Yep. Okie State scored three in the bottom of the seventh to win 4-3.
I don't know how bad this ump is behind the plate since I can't see the game but I have a question for which I have no idea the answer. Does Tim...
If I were either of these two announcers I would never tell anyone my name.
Well, yes, but that is the result of the way you score a game with errors and two outs with a bunch of runs scoring. Bottom line is Keagan has...
And radio initially called Mia's hit a pop up. I absolutely can't stand listening to these clowns.