Travel expenses going up, up and away
Agree, now through in some venture capital and what could go wrong
Elon Musk calls for deorbiting of the ISS. Here's what the space station does
Durham’s indictments should be coming down soon n all the fraud.
Also would need other data as to why this is the list vs a phone contact list. Any redactions and the whole thing is suspect.
Small petty people. Apparently professional management is hard.
I though he was hired for pretty binders with flow charts outlining his plan ;)
Two thoughts I thought EO’s were bad. Worthless congress Thread title, A+
He is a patriot from the midnight ride of Nuney. Right….. Complete tool. I guess being an ex rhino now independent is lonely and sad. Bourbon...
Does the next president declare maga a mental illness? Reeducation camps per chance? Inquiring minds in the center want to know. Bat shit + bat...
Be nice to watch the news with only 11 lawyer commercials vs 12
The new ai brain chips from Gates, I mean Musk, will solve this issue
Much like my opinion of the Bush tax cuts, pay down the debt first.
Much like with his first term. Many of the policies and initiatives could have been put forth and accomplished in a low key manner. But Trump...
I thought the best thing trump did during first term was getting Mexico to enforce their southern border. There is also no doubt that the...
This is a good point. Now the goal should be to at least appear neutral or even reasonable. I remember doing security work and the lead saying,...
When I first heard this story, I was certain it was the Onion. But nope, the ultimate Florida man, politicians!
The systems in most govt agencies are often obsolete. How many years of talking about new records management software and hardware, ATC software...
And where was said debt mostly accrued? Doge is an absolute shat show. Unguided missiles. Jmho. Tax breaks to wealthy without cutting services...
That doge won’t hunt! ;)