Never heard of a surrender monkey. Maybe a Trunk monkey gone bad
And I used to complain how terrible Obama was on foreign policy.
Odds are her “source “ misled her, not the feeble. And no body checked. The bandwagon is hitched.
Simply a transfer mechanism, not a legit currency
Apparently diplomacy is hard. Get along little dogE
52nd State
Not a dem, but yes I am. Given our status in the world and disposable incomes.
Nancy says hello. Everybody knew.
Imagine hating Putin because he invaded your country. Unbelievable. ;) Step aside from your algorithms and talking points.
Trump negotiates like private equity looking to quickly self off the parts. Winning friends. Anyone who thinks this is leadership and effective...
Debbie does dishes
Meh. How about the “Lady” that was arrested with explosives outside a Tesla dealership. Half cocked idea.
Only vetting will be did the doge coin clear
Did they meet in Texas
I’m torn. Shift vs Bongo, can’t they go up in flames together. Much better than trying to pick a winner.
Good news. Now need engineers.
Fruit loops vs Frosted Flakes
Dan is a nut. First guy to ever block me on twitter. We had been having a discussion (DM) and I said he he was wrong and new better… You could see...
With the glasses musk looks like Kim’s jong