Sounds like the kind of person who probably didn’t vote until Trump came around.
Bro they are priceless. Dump designed them himself.
Did your AI girlfriend dump you yet?
You’re so incredibly bad at this. But I do love how you make up a fake backstory for all your absurd personas. Nothing mentally ill about your...
LOL so this isn’t you? Sure sounds pretty similar. “And yes I have personal experience with the Haitians. I worked Human Resources for a...
she should go even if he doesn’t. Use the stage to lay out her platform while the whole world can see what a chickenshit he is.
wait are you really pretending you aren’t OrlandoIncel88?
I love the smell of desperation in the morning.
Are you familiar with Baris and Barnes? Because you’re about to be.
it might not be a landslide. But he’s going to lose. To a black woman.
Herp derp! Biden is not stepping down. Kamala is going to campaign relentlessly until the election. You live in a fantasyland.
Of course nothing in the OP actually happened
what a piece of shit that guy is.
Sure thing, comrade.
Crooks was a registered republican.
That’s what I was wondering about. Wouldn’t the pagers be more valuable for monitoring their communications and locations? Unless they are...
@ETGator1 Hey ET! Long time listener first time caller. Please explain how this isn’t socialism. I’ll hang up and listen. Thanks!
She’s definitely going to win. At least you’re being realistic.