Harris just needs to camp out in PA.
you know exactly how they’ll react to that.
Harris Maintains Narrow Lead in Key(stone) Swing State Pennsylvania – ActiVote Sorry this one is actually Harris + 3.2
#New General election poll - Pennsylvania Harris 52% (+4) Trump 48% ActiVote #N/A - 400 LV - 9/25
#New General election poll - Pennsylvania Harris 48% (+3) Trump 45% Monmouth #A+ - 653 RV - 9/23
Harris holds 8-point lead over Trump in Virginia: Poll
Agreed. This would be easy to confirm. Somebody would provide proof and it would be on CNN. I call bullshit.
You should put some rubles on it comrade!
You wouldn't know what funny was if it took its ding dong out and slapped you in the face with it.
I love that he come on man'd you when he's the one who made those disgusting remarks. Priceless.
In halls where silence binds the strong, Kamala calls for change, a clarion plea, To end the filibuster's drawn-out song. A genius vision for...
I feel like they are always stronger than predicted the last decade or so.
What kind of shit head worth 100 MILLION steals from a charity? :: puts ball on tee ::
I wonder if he sent a dick pic to congress before his testimony. Gotta set the mood!
what in god’s holy name are you blathering about. Nobody is getting taught about non-reproductive sex. Did you learn about blowjobs when you...
If I have to hear ‘Yah Mo B There’ one more time, I'm gonna ‘Yah Mo’ burn this place to the ground.