So...rotating DJ and Mertz has proven to be a disaster..again, CBN is getting paid 7 million bucks a year to understand how to best position his...
Give that backup a Heisman!
CBN looks completely lost!
The rain, the endless commercials, the horrible officiating, the complete ineptitude of both sides of the field, the poor coaching...this is...
and thats the end of that!
Here comes the hand off...
wish we had an OC who could get that excited when they see their team score!
What could the possible conversation in the locker room be like after 1Q.."well guys Im fresh out of ideas..."
1 hour delay
We FOULED them with DJ and a run play right out of the bat!
You think he gets canned tomorrow if we lose today? more throat slashing!
TAMU stops itself on 3rd down!
Here comes the money down!
Never fear the 3rd defense is easy peasy!
WOW! Awful!
As it should...duh.
UF 21 TAMU 35