Where is the mod that has a need to close “crap” topics???? This is one of the dumbest discussions ever on Too Woke Swamp Gas. This guy is...
Trudeau To Be Humanely Euthanized | Babylon Bee OTTAWA — Amid growing public outcry across the country, the Canadian government announced that...
Oui, true dat.
Hey wait …. I think I saw the same add on a dating web site but it was for a woman!!
Tj, this is not a challenge or attempt to start a debate but rather an honest question re your post. When you say “badly staged” do you mean the...
No. The taxable wages on a wage are determined by reducing the gross wage for a contribution to qualifying retirement and healthcare plan. The...
Does anyone know which of her many accents Kam was using when she messed up the Pledge?
I bet this flu resulted from folks in “Peking” consuming duck infected with H5N1.
Just below that story: Mystery disease outbreak in China overwhelms hospitals in chilling echo of Covid dark days | Daily Mail Online China is...
Link to video your of the NO bomber’s crib Let's Go Inside the Home of the New Orleans Terrorist
So this guy in Las Vegas was a Green Beret. He was an active member of the special forces, specifically the Green Berets. He rigged this vehicle...
For the liberal, the truth is whatever they want it be …… and it can change from day to day depending on what they want to achieve.
lol …. had to use the plunger on this flush!! Sad.
Yes, this person represents a threat which warrants a summary execution. Good grief. [ATTACH]
Only a profound lack of perspective would cause an individual to draw an equivalence between someone breaking into a personal residence and the...
The response to the 1/6/21 demonstration, a responsibility of the Speaker of the House, was so poor ….. the House Sergeant oat Arms, Capital Chief...
What? Someone asking a question of the person who continuously posts question after question on Too Woke …… is “trying to start a fight”??!!...
That’s how the irrational media guys see it.
In as much as the claims of many liberals, including many in the legacy media, proclaimed over the last four years that Trump and a number of...