Agree. This is abhorrent. I was giving the mope the benefit of the doubt since he was mentally ill .... but these pardons over the last few weeks...
I think if a retired federal employee is granted a pardon, they should lose all post-employment benefits. Same should apply to any person who is a...
Thank goodness this administration is done in a matter of hours. Hopefully, much of the progressive nonsense will be flushed into the DC waste...
A long bike ride at a good pace. You’ll feel great afterward …. regardless of your politics.
Sorry Bill .... my post was directed at the person to whom you were responding. I know you don't support abortion.
Hold on!! Don’t tell me that someone who supports abortion is judging the religious character of someone who had an affair while married??
Man, just think of all of the taxable income (and tax revenue for the US Treasury) that will generated as these $trumps are traded. Maybe Congress...
Thank you for translating the first post. I tried to google it …. but only came up with an expose on writing rap lyrics.
“They buy Hunter Biden ‘artwork’”?
I enjoy his videos. The guy is a BEAST!!
I understand your post but ..... also know that when the ERA "issue" arose back in the 1960s-1970s .... the catalyst was a sense on the part of...
So, does this amendment only apply to biological women …. or does a male who thinks he’s female receive any more rights/protections from it?
I respect your position but ….. without verifiable substantive evidence to show “we are paying AZ’s dad/my parents/millions of others every day as...
I've been putting whey protein, and occasionally some collagen, in my morning coffee. Looks like creatine may be the next "creamer".
Any particular brand you'd recommend?
I though Elon was buyin' the Tok?!
Well this is interesting .... DOE, Title IX, NIL, and eventually congress. Wonder how schools will address biological males competing as females...
He .... doesn't fit into a competition for biological females. Why can't "he compete against biological males .... even though "he" thinks he's a...