The original request was actually just for you to back up your source with something other than a meme or twitter post. A pretty simple request. I...
If they bought it from a traditional retailer they wouldn’t “see” the tariffs broken out, but the retailer does in their internal supply...
Probably when the Congress failed to pass TARP at the start of Great Recession. Market dropped 800. But that was a much bigger shock in % terms at...
Excuse making is phase I of transitioning to MAGA. He’s still in the process of transitioning or unaware of this regressive psychological...
It’s basically what Darrel Issa used to do. I’d say about half the stuff was actually ridiculous, and the other half was probably legit research....
An “inexperienced IRS agent” would presumably be a new grad with an accounting degree/CPA. Wouldn’t a CIA agent mostly have more specialized...
You know why.
I figured the admin would capitulate. Really just because the effects like this are such an obvious betrayal. So many people thought this guy was...
What can I say, guess I’m a masochist. You have to give ok some credit. Sure he’s too confident in what he thinks he knows vs what he thinks you...
I mean, literally at the Port of Los Angeles. 4 in Mexico (found your Fentanyl smuggling path). Houston, Seattle. The problem is you believe...
Oh. So you realized it’s dailywire is not “lamestream media”. Delete post. Quickily make 3 nonsensical talking points about how much better it...
Lol. Honestly I was sort of ok with this ban, or at least didn’t knee-jerk it as batshit crazy like most of Trumps other proposals. Moreso just...
Holy shit @ this whole discussion. Yes. I realize what is seized is only a small % But it can still be a representative sample giving us an idea...
Yet, the article led with that. It didn’t mention any cost savings to commercial shippers (not that “asserting dominance” to get cheaper shipping...
Has nothing to do with cynicism of your lord god. 98% of Fentanyl comes through Mexico. Those are just the stats. Drugs do get shipped around...
The original way those credits worked was they’d be phased out once a make reaches a certain # of models sold. So over the years I think some...
We threatened to invade a country, so that our military could save {checks article again}…. $2.5 - $3 million per year in tolls? [IMG]
Makes 1000x more sense than targeting Canada’s border. Though I doubt it does much of anything about Fentanyl. It’s more about hitting those...
So should we copy what the top ranked states do, or what the bottom ranked states do?
That is lowly 3d chess thinking. The conservative media influencers skipped ahead to 4d chess, maybe even 5d. You couldn’t possibly comprehend.