The computers may indeed say that. Human voters on the other hand tend to want to shuffle things around. So it’s hard to see ‘Bama not sliding up...
We should be #2 hopefully. Duke lost. We beat Auburn impressively at their place. The win on road at #1 should bump us to jump UT and Houston as...
Of course the wealthy class in South Africa aren’t going to want to just leave everything behind, that’s not how immigration works. There is some...
Current reality of spam calls: “sir, can I interest you in an extended car warranty”. Post Trump reality of spam calls: “sir, can I interest you...
If you pull out a gun and fire at somebody without justification, isn’t that pretty much defacto attempted murder? Saying “oops I’m sorry I’m...
We are damning an entire agency because “guy lied on form in 1990”? As this person was born in the U.S. not even sure how much it impacted his...
This link says 74,702 Fentanyl deaths out of 107,543 total overdoses. Not sure where you are getting .65% of drug deaths.
I find Tubberville’s comments more weird, since he seems to want to take “partial credit” somehow for Mahomes although he did at least correct...
I also double taked his comment. lol.
Seems like a bit of performance art for her to proclaim this, but then it’s a procedure 700,000 women do annually. It would be a stunt for a 22yo...
I saw totally empty shelves at Publix last week. But the last few times they had some stock. Maybe 30-50%.
Saw a thing about Ford’s CEO who I guess had a months long test drive of a Chinese EV. He said he didn’t want to give it up. Interesting thing to...
I don’t understand this. Do you think overhead costs don’t exist? That they are like viruses? Maybe my reading is different, but my interpretation...
NIH is the largest funder of medical research in the world, and something like 80% in this country vs 20% private sources. Seems to me like that...
That is probably why the small buyer $<800 “exemption” existed in the first place, and why the USPS recently had to halt incoming mail. To process...
Some of that list screams bs. I don’t buy that we are sending “hundreds of millions” to Afghanistan. I’m sure we were while we were occupying the...
It is the entire point of protectionist tariffs. To artificially make prices on imports go up, thereby encouraging domestic production. Problem...
That is true. This basically targets small business who might have ordered in small batches and individual buyers going direct.
The seller didn’t enjoy a “price increase”. They still only receive the $300. The govt took the rest. Clothes typically are high margin low cost...
The customers of these stores still ultimately pay the tariff through inflation and higher prices, it just isn’t broken down for them right on the...