Not a lawyer, but that seems like a pretty obvious double jeopardy situation. If it’s referenced as a “loophole” it’s probably not a legitimate...
Kind of funny they were trashing Biden for pardoning a violent criminal (and that was likely an oversight to include him with the 2500...
Well, they’ll care when something bad happens. Then they’ll look to the most convenient conspiracy theory to blame a Democrat.
That didn’t take long. Is that going to be another cop needing protection from the “bAcK the bLuE” crowd? Conspiracies about it being a deep...
It’s all performative. Rubes eat it up. Every. Single. Time.
Then what did the Alligator base their story on? I agree with the previous poster that suggested the Alligator has some ‘splainin to do. There...
If it was a false report they should be punished. If it was malicious they should be sued for the costs of the investigation. That is a slippery...
It is very interesting that Trumpers are suddenly interested in doing deep dives as to particular causes of inflation.
So you’ve lept all the way from holding China accountable for the virus to blaming the U.S. for research that goes on in China. That’s… a leap....
Wrong about what? Pretty sure I’ve always leaned lab leak as “most likely” just based primarily on the existence of the lab. I just don’t dismiss...
I think there’s no doubt he upgrades the lineup if healthy, not a massive upgrade mind you. Chinyelu especially has been great and earning his...
Nope, sorry. I require evidence. You already have a conclusion you want and are hoping for evidence to get you there.
Well, on this one no. Because you do tariffs in retaliation for tariffs. You don’t enter a multi-billion trade war because 2 plane loads of...
Low confidence is tantamount to “people are saying”. It means they don’t have any real evidence. In fact if you read what was released it actually...
Didn’t the FBI have some similar conclusion many months ago? Seems kind of pointless with the “low confidence” qualifier. I mean most people...
Are you suggesting that if you take away 20% of the supply prices remain the same??? :emoji_joy: Sure, some other suppliers might step up. But...
Honestly he probably will cave. 20% tariff vs a couple of plane loads of people? I’m guessing there are interests in that country that care far...
20% of coffee comes from Columbia. That will be noticed. I don’t think this on its own would be a big deal, except we know Trump wants to put...
… and you believe that bullshit??? It’s absolutely not going to take 18 months for people to be allowed back to their property just to start...
That just wouldn’t be fair. I think Chinyelu is better than most expected. Guy is raw on offense but he’s still shown he can do damage in the...