Even if a person wants to stop some of the total BS on social media or do something like outlaw pharmaceutical advertising on TV (which we can...
Yes, I’m sure this is the attitude people will have when it’s the government adding tax to cars that makes them not able to afford a car....
My guess is this is a bizarre word slip. Hard to know without seeing more than 19 seconds. There is an 8 minute video I found if anyone cares. I...
The big caveat to “could” is that the tariffs might not happen. If tariffs are put in place, the “could” becomes will. It’s simple tariff math...
The Biden admin as I recall wanted this guy and Griner both released in exchange for the arms smuggler, but the Russians wouldn’t do that. I...
. Trump traded something the Biden Admin wouldn’t. You don’t even know what that “something” is or what previous negotiations called for.
Tariffs causing additional inflation, what are interest rate cuts supposed to do? Stimulate more inflation on top of inflation?
Whatever it is, I’m sure it it’s not good. That’s how these trades always work. We trade 1 life for 100 terrorists. Or in case of Griner 1...
I see that he got his hands around the shoulder and appears to pull. Still hard to tell if this motion caused the injury as it looks like Condon...
1000% tariffs on the Vatican. Impeach the Pope.
I just had a 2800 sq ft house painted inside and out for $12,000 last year, including resurfacing an outside lanai. $50,000 jumps out as...
Hah. They aren’t denying the emergency request happened, actually this seems to confirm/acknowledge it. The claim is they were going to do this...
I didn’t see anything dirty in real time or when they showed the replay, but admittedly I wasn’t looking up high at a possible “horse collar”...
And Hawley would proclaim himself a conservative. [IMG]
Ell oh ell.
The average American eats fast food 3x a week. That alone is something like 100,000,000 straws. Throw in stuff like Starbucks and juice boxes for...
I love how you state confidently that it is, when in fact that “luxury hotel” isn’t even a hotel at all anymore!! It closed in 2020 due to COVID....
This is dumb. Kind of depends on the job I’d say. People at policy level, or in spokesperson/media roles I bet have many subscriptions. It’s part...
Exactly. For those keeping track here. Republican idol funded this guy (technicality H.W. Bush admin in 1990 but it was still prolly operating...
This also happened in 1990. Maybe it just happened that the guy lied on his form. Maybe he had CIA “help” to get this aid or steer him to some...