Cool how his old jersey is shredding away to reveal the gator jersey underneath :ninja3:
I’m filled with antici…
FYI, Leezard, STARLINK is already here* (* for additional charge on new Subarus:cool:)
(Unless our CB’s were the only ones voting nay?)
You misunderstood Wanne, Fox… He was channeling his inner Bobby! It was a bumfuzzle:D
Don’t want to be that guy, but can’t we keep this thread about Badger? We’ve got a separate thread that thrashes Cormani, right???
Agree. Let’s ambush them like one of those Star Wars movies… Make them think we’re still in disarray - but we are actually a “fully functional...
I suppose it was technically Bob Hewko - until the UM thugs maimed his knee in the first series and Wayne took over…
Wayne Peace - versus Miami
^ “ gonna be the first one off the board” Really like his mindset!
Like we did when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor:p
I’m confused – isn’t this the guy we’ve been talking about 10 posts back that didn’t pass his physical/has a back issue?
East to west I think summed that up in post 204:cool:
Problem is, UCF is close to home as well. Him saying he will wait till Tuesday to decide smacks of waiting for the highest bidder:confused:
I gave up reading the last two pages – just skimmed them… Should we re-title this thread AH:confused:
And don’t forget the back hand spring!
Distracted Under the Influence :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Never coached football, but from my pause/rewind/replay vantage on my 85 inch screen Nunnery looks clueless and lost.