“To undermine or overthrow” (in this case negative) expectations. Seems pretty straightforward - and eloquently said -by a representative of GATOR...
YOU’RE (typed that by hand, so no text to type errors there…) getting an inordinate amount of play out of this… Are you saving this for your...
Believe me when I tell you, it is coming from so many more of us than just him.
The grammar police – calling out what probably is a talk-to-text misspelling… SMH
I’m a retired Physician Assistant with 28 years of orthopedic surgery experience including arthroscopy. Benton is spot on. The MRI usually tells...
Little Lake Sante Fe with a shorty wetsuit! Tried to upload a photo, but keep getting “file too large”:mad:
Water skiing in February :cool:
Thanks, Debbie:cool:
Well – from my extensive experience – it’s probably not a problem with understanding, but that they don’t actually HEAR what is said:rolleyes:
PUNT returns:cool:
Or forever:devil:
Funny, yes but if you actually Google that now all you get is 2023 info:confused:
The stadium was more than rocking – my ears had an almost siren sound ringing in them from the decibel level. I was in the stands and I remember...
You just brought tears to my eyes - thank you:)
In first… Long arms:cool:
I was there in Tempe and the ‘06 D was no slouch!
By the end of each game, they should be mumbling “Hodor… Hodor… Hodor…” :mad:
or lack thereof…
Would Jackson would be a good option for the end zone fade as well? He has the height and the hands…