Think we need both routes…
There is a certain five star OL and two 5 star WR‘s I think may wait till signing day to make their big splash… Just hope they make their splash...
Close enough:devil:
Probably you are right – I only hope Baugh will be as good - when he graduates - as Montreal has been in pass protection/quarterback protection
Mods - how long do we have to put up with this troll? How many transgressions before banning?
OK – I know Georgia Tech ultimately lost, but I really liked the offensive play calling last night against Georgia and I’m wondering if the...
Sorry – I still have PTSD from the “sure thing ROOSTER” game:confused:
FIFY - “ with this momentum, they may have THE MONEY FOR Pickett snd Ffrench”…
Respectfully disagree… I was there too and we were not supposed to be able to handle Iowa and their superstar QB Chuck Long, but we did and it was...
I thank you, Wanne - since all the money in Social Security has long since been raided for other entitlement programs, any money you put in now...
In my six years in Gainesville – way back in the day –nooners were plentiful and always enjoyed:devil:
I second that emotion:)
Ummm - I was responding to Wanne’s previous post “ All green on the inside”… But my immediate thought was a prurient recollection of “they’re all...
Or “all green on the inside”…:ninja:
And good luck to them as well finding the next “savior”
Uh oh… “Nice Guy” seems to be the kiss of death term for all of the “fire BN” Gator fans:confused:
And then he says no/you don’t get him. Wouldn’t that leave us in a wonderful position…
Is that question a double negative, Wing:confused: