What he said^
Hope we don’t… Our QB2 and QB3 need all the practice they can get!
Like clockwork, GW piling on:rolleyes: Like lobbing a softball over the center of the plate for him
.adfing guys? Is that like double secret probation?
Could be free range grazers:confused:
Nor do the helium filled larger sized yabaho’s:p
That you, Costanza?
M-eg O M-alleys:ninja3:
Fruitless endeavor… Kind of like searching for any thread that doesn’t end up with Okey-dokey beating the dead horse whining about an OCo_O
Hobie 16 in whitecap waves - remember we would swing the boat around with the mast towards the wind – then the two of us would get on the upside...
Pitch-poling a catamaran :confused:
Not to worry…Okee-dokey and 244 will always be on top of that:rolleyes:
Let’s revisit this after Chapman interviews with da Bears:mad:
Cool – except for USCe…
Ahh - Micanopy Madness:D
Can’t we all share?
Classic meteor game!
Or withouto_O
Maybe we were at the same tailgate? My friend Joe Proctor orchestrated it with a few of his friends, and it was like Gator oasis in a sea of red…...