I disagree. I believe that with a combination of an additional 1% on the contribution(tax),a substantial increase to the annual contribution...
Anyone know what the Kennedy trusts are worth?
If I’m not mistaken, I don’t think any seniors paid income tax on their Social Security until the 90’s.
I like that idea! Thank you!!
Knowing you you’ve already done it so go ahead. It won’t be the first time that you have searched extensively into prior posts. Bu if you’re...
You have made several accusations against me that are not factual. I addressed those in my reply above. That you don’t seem to mind to ignore...
You need some help dude. I hope you have someone you can talk to
I have a friend from UF who recently divorced and is enjoying the single life once again. He feels that yoga pants should be banned to anyone...
I did read the article, which was a bad joke, The tariff was only $75, 25% of the so called 50% inflation alleged in the title. The rest was...
Who knew that a 25% tariff on something with a very high profit margin could drive a 50% price increase. Maybe people need to reconsider buying...
Just put your mask back on (be sure to wear it in the when you’re alone) and you will be just fine! Don’t be scared, Dr. Fauci will protect you!
Once again, there is an entire thread on this right subject here on this board. I don’t think people should need a link to the same site they are...
I gave up on debates in 2012, with Candi Crowley humiliating herself and her entire industry. Trum is not a good debater in the least, but the...
Would be a nice post if it had been proven wrong. But it hasn’t, so once again, your cute little teenage level antics have failed. Good luck...
Well boys, the debate is over. With an argument like that, we now know for sure that jo is a chick!
Not at all, if something untrue was actually stated. This was not a case of stating an untruth, just a fact of ignorant libs not wanting to...
AS I SAID BEFORE; THERE IS AN ENTIRE THREAD ON THE SUBJECT RIGHT HERE ON THIS BOARD. Here is the title; “Amount of money saved by DOGE so far”....
You really have some issues dude. I’m at a hotel and I went downstairs for dinner with a few of my staff. Stepping away for a couple of hours is...
It’s in a thread on this forum. Hard to think that you can teach when you can’t bother to research. As I said before; God save the children!
I saw it this morning. It’s probably only the top of the iceberg. Put your afternoon to some good use for once and go find it. It will at least...