How you spend your time is your choice. The restrictions imposed by Dodd-Frank are more expensive than the benefits it provides. Get out of your...
Who is not blaming the private sector? Accurately pointing out that government law changes and policies...
No, not right. The mergers would not have been feasible under Glass-Steagall.
I found a good bundle for asteroid and hemorrhoid insurance.
It’s obvious that the vast majority was taken by surprise, but the info was out there for those with there eyes open. Dimon had publicly stated...
Wrong on everything, huh?? If you were as smart as you think you were you would really be something. With Glass-Steagal, commercial banks would...
Please get this book and educate yourself. Hidden in Plain Sight: What Really Caused the World's Worst Financial Crisis¿and Why It Could Happen...
Chase liquidated most of their MBS long before the crash.
It didn’t take Jamie Dimon and a few others by surprise.
I said it in 07-09, the US needs to reenact Glass-Steagal. Get commercial banks out of the mortgage business. Congress and Clinton sold out the...
If that is what you research told you, then you didn’t do enough. I would agree that banks were co-conspirators in this but it was driven by Frank.
Barney Frank had a massive hand in creating the housing collapse. Why would you trust him to solve the issue. Adequate oversight of the banks...
Thank you Contra. There is one thing worse than arguing with ignorant liberals who can’t see or just won’t that inflation under Biden was about...
FYI, Biden telegraphing that he was stepping on the brakes on military spending in 2021 was terrible for the industry. Many lower tier suppliers...
Personally, I’ve never heard myself snore or wake up from Apnea, but Mrs Aging wants me to talk to you when you get it figured out.
Very well said. Thank you!
You’re letting your emotions get the best of you, and you want a simple, quick solution, that most likely would have several problems down the...
I do not support receiving less. If people truly need to retire early there is the disability component. People of means who choose to retire...
Any healthy person had no need to get that vax. But unlike the Dems and their mandates, I will not support preventing you from taking it.
Hopefully, this is a fad that catches on among the loony left.