Milton has been moving ENE most of the day today, when in fact the "line" is based upon a NE movement. If it keeps moving ENE a while longer they...
This topic came up on Finebaum today. He made a comment about the refs wearing Miami jerseys. It's very blatant and obvious to all.
I watched the replay of UT Arkie. UT DL Eason got injured in the 3rd qtr, and if he is out for us IMO, that is really going to open things up for us.
Scratch Malzahn, Heupel, and Deboer off our list
Deboer will never recover from this if they lose. He is toast
Scratch Drink-O-witz off the list. May be adding Clark Lea. The ever changing best replacement list.
Maybe he's tired of it and wants a new challenge. I wouldn't count him out.
RV MJ UCF 31 UF 13
I need to see another 2 solid performances in a row before I have any inkling of confidence. I won't pick against us so therefore I will once...
Am I the only one who thinks what was described should be the norm for all our practices?
hopefully our current coach has finally learned you can't let up in the SEC.. It's been 2 years, 4 games. It should have sunk in by now.
My guess is SS remains here at least for another year until admin gets settled. I don't know what SS will do, I only know what i think i would...
Carson Beck looks very weird lately.. I don't think images returned on a search reflect his current appearance. IMO, Schmiegel is Beck's...
i agree with all you said, however that doesn't answer the question of what you would do if you are SS.
He's a little too far out there for my liking. I don't know if his antics would play well at Florida. Kind of reminds me of Zook with the frat...
Deboer got the keys (short term lease) to Saban's Ferrari. Last Night he demonstrated he can drive winning races with that car. There were some...
At this time SS is the AD. The AD will have a major role in our coaching outcome going forward. SS must act under the assumption he will...
In 2023 CBN took his foot of the throttle and went into coast mode against UT and F$U.. LUCKILY, it worked out against UT and didn't against F$U....
Getting back to the OP. If I were SS, here's what i would do. First off, i would operate on the assumption I will still be here. I'm sure he is...
At least we're not in first place for the "Dumbest Contract Signed By An AD " award