Top of 4th Inning: NMU#21 KcKcF fly CF 1 out NMU#7 FBFB grounder SS 2 out NMU#10 KsKsFKs strike out 3 out Bottom of 4th Inning: Shumaker BB...
Top of 3rd Inning: NMU#1 BFBFF grounder 3B 1 out NMU#17 B grounder SS 2 out NMU#13 Kc HBP NMU#32 KsFBBFF easy liner 2B Williams lost it in sun...
Top of 2nd Inning: NMU#30 FKsB fly RF 1 out NMU#15 BBKcBB walk NMU#7 single CF NMU#10 KsBFFKs strike out 2 out NMU#18 Ks Liner CF 3 out Bottom...
Well, I read O'man's PBP and it was pretty succinct. But I am going to follow thru on my NMU/GCU PBP commitment. O'man posted the starting...
Here's some background color with my GCU game day. After the ASU game I drove to my hotel near the GCU campus - probably 12 miles. It took me an...
I have no sympathy for Weekly. I don't know how she was picked SEC coach of the year last year when going into the season she had the #1 ranked...
Top of 7th Inning: Shumaker grounder 2B 1 out Otis double CF Erikson KcBKc single 2B, Otis to 3B, Shaw pinch runner Walsh HBP Cahalan F, (Barnard...
Top of 6th Inning: Comia Ks grounder P 1 out Holtorf FBF fly RF 2 out Falby BFF grounder P Bottom of 6th Inning: ASU#32 Ks grounder SS 1 out...
Top of 5th Inning: Walsh grounder SS 1 out Cahalan FBBB fly 2B 2 out Williams B towering fly (crowd oooer) CF 3 out Bottom of 5th Inning:...
Top of 4th Inning: Williams HR (skipped off top of wall) Comia B pop foul 3B 1 out Holtorf F(barely foul HR)B fly SS dropped (error due to sun)...
Top 3rd Inning: Otis KcBKcBFBF single LF Erikson BKcB double LF Walsh KcBKcB sac fly LF, runners move up 1 out Cahalan BBFFF sac fly LF 2 out,...
Top of 2nd Inning: Cahalan BBBB walk Williams F fly CF 1 out Comia Kc F double CF Holtorf BF sac fly LF 2 out Falby KsB single LF Shumaker BFF...
OK on with the Arizona State game. The crowd was a little bigger and more lively. The starting line ups were already posted by Ocala so: Top of...
Top of 5th Inning: Miller relieves Brown. They both looked good BTW. Barnard to 1B, Comia to 2B CBU#14 FKcB grounder 2B 1 out CBU#25 KsFBFB...
Top of 4th Inning: CBU#2 liner 2B 1 out CBU#7 Kc liner CF single CBU#50 B liner CF single CBU#23 B fly CF out 2 out CBU#77 HBP CBU#2 BFBKcB...
Top of 3rd Inning: CBU#22 B grounder 2B 1 out CBU#9 Kc fly CF 2 out CBU#5 Fly LF 3 out Bottom of 3rd Inning: Williams BKcBF liner LF 1 out...
Top of 2nd Inning: CBU#50 KcF liner to 2B, it was dropped but still thrown out 1 out CBU#23 FB liner CF single CBU#77 fly out CF 2 out CBU#24...
OK on with the Cal Baptist game. The starting line ups were already posted by Ocala so: Top of 1st Inning CBU#15 BBKsFB line out to 3B CBU#2 line...
Upon arrival at the park I caught Red warming up in the bullpen, so I stopped and watched her. When they stopped I asked if she was pitching...
Well, I told MCB51 that I would add my PBP from Farrington. I reviewed O'man's radio PBP and it was pretty good. I don't know if I can add too...