That was unbearable to watch with Kirkstreit calling the game. I like him usually, but hate when he calls Ohio in big games.
I'm so glad that Frank Martin is no longer coaching there.
You do realize that Reagan gave these people Amnesty in the 1980s, right?
That's all you got? lmao
I wouldn't exactly call the Brightline Rail "high speed." It average mph is only 69.
Snowflake Trump moves inauguration indoors because everybody knows that you can fit more people inside than out.
I call BS. I had Thanksgiving at Saban's and Golden's name never came up.
UF 76 UT 69 Condon 22
Looks like the spread for this game is UF -10.5
Recruiting to Arkansaw is much different that recruiting to Kentucky. Cal will never again be the recruiter at Ark vs UK. Further, he has never...
I think that was an excellent foul. If I recall correctly, the guy was was a sub 40% FT shooter. Of course the guy makes both, but it was the...
I'm still scratching my head after the Mizzou debacle Tuesday night. Yet another game where the other team inexplicably shoots the 3 like Steph...
Losses like these happen sometimes. I hope we learn from it.
As much as I hate to say it, I think Ohio wins this one going away. Hope I'm wrong though.
Does your breakfast include Bloody Mary's with shrimp and bacon?
Mizzou playin' out dey damn minds and we are too tentative and reactionary. Still lots of time remaining. I am confident that we right the ship...
I started computing a few years later than most in my cohort. I got my first computer (an IBM) in 1995, while at UF. UF offered free dial-up and...
Gator 82 Tigers 58 Martin +13
Greenard, Bullard and Powell are Gators on the Vikings. Viking coach McConnell refused to institute quick slants, play action or screens to help...
There will be no mass deportations. This is just another one of Trump's empty threats. I do hope we deport the illegals in jails who have not...