I found your post to be very informative. However, I cannot distinguish what words are yours and what words you copied and pasted. Please use...
The spread for this game is UF -10.5 per ESPN.
My recent egg story: On Jan 1, a Colorado law went into effect stating that hens have to have a cage-free environment in which to lay their eggs....
If someone sat in front of me wearing one of those dumb, view-blocking hats, I'd kick 'em in the ass.
Yeah, Kenny is a very humble and down to earth guy. He was like 5x World Champ and drove around in an early 90s Camaro w a primered door. This...
Biden's War on Energy? You do realize that the US is producing domestic oil at an all-time historic high? And that the US is now the...
Do you play a lot of disc golf? I used to play a lot with Kenny Climo when I lived in Clearwater...
I heard the Purple Porpoise has good burgers. Or maybe try Burrito Bros, I heard they are pretty good too :(
He should stay in college another year so that he can work on his English. It's disadvantageous to not be able to speak the language.
UF 82 SC 63 Clayton 9
I don't understand how this post wasn't moved over to Awesome Recruiting like all the other portal posts. Nevermind, the OP is a mod.
I've got 9". Oh wait, you guys talking about snow?
Looks like the spread is UF -11.5 per ESPN.
Dammit, I was so close...
This pettiness sounds about right...
Clearly you're making stuff up as you post. No reasonable thoughts in your posts. You are shooting from the hip much akin to your donald god.
Are you so obtuse that you don't know that there is an agricultural season all year long? I mean, come on.
Strength of schedule needs to be factored into the teams chosen and also their rankings imho...